Friday, April 13, 2012

Response to letter from "Anonymous" (should've just signed your name cause we know who you are)

Dear “Anonymous”:

I refer to you as “dear” because I truly feel sorry for you.  You are so ignorant and so easily lead around by the tip of your nose that it is almost sad. But I can’t be too sad for you if you blindly follow what others tell you instead of seeking the truth yourself. So let me clarify a few things for you. You claim that you knew XXXX well and you knew him for many years. Obviously you didn’t know him at all. Several things you stated are not even his character:

  1. First of all that my mother was “blackmailing” or forcing XXXX to do things? That shows you don’t know him at all. XXXX didn’t allow ANYONE to tell him what to do, what to say, or what to think. He was a very strong, independent man and had his own thoughts and opinions. He wasn’t as easily manipulated as you appear to be.
  2. You are speaking for a whole community that has not asked you to speak for them. My mother’s neighbors all know that XXXX loved my mother. If he didn’t and she was as horrible as you say, why did he stay with her for 29 years? Why did he change his whole life and become a Christian and an upstanding man? One of the ladies at the funeral told me that when XXXX was sick he told her that he was so thankful for my mother and that if it wasn’t for her he didn’t know where his life would have been. And that came from a NEIGHBOR (one you are speaking out of turn for)!
  3. You claim to know him so well? Before he met my mother, I hate to say it, but he was not an upstanding person and you and everyone that lived in that area at the time know that to be true. XXXX even knew that to be true and admitted that fact. The real reason his children are all angry is because they didn’t have the best upbringing and they are resentful that after XXXX married my mother he changed his whole life around. And I won’t even address XXXX because I don’t need to state her reputation here. Everyone knows that all too well so I don’t have to state it.
  4. Everything you stated in your letter is very disrespectful to XXXX. You make him out to be a weak, manipulated, sorry, sad man. If that is what you THINK you knew of him, you are COMPLETELY WRONG and just venting your own anger about some issue. Look inside yourself to see where that nasty, hateful heart you have comes from. It isn’t about my mother that is for sure! It is about something within you.
Now, on to some things that are just downright stupid: that house that you are claiming is the “family house” is NOT the house those kids grew up in. I remember when we first moved there and that house was a piece of crap. Did you know that? Were you ever in there before my mom got there? Probably not, but I WAS and it was a S—T hole. Not that it is any of your business but my mother invested the money from the sale of HER HOUSE in Waverly towards making THAT house a livable house. So to insinuate that the house my mother is living in is not hers is just downright stupid.

And another fact that is none of your business but I will tell it anyway is that your father didn’t financially support any of XXXX's children. Even though you are listening to his daughters and blindly believing everything they tell you, THEY don’t know the facts themselves so they are spewing sewer from their mouths. My father was a police officer who was killed in the line of duty and WE (his children) were financially taken care of by MY FATHER!!

The step children asked for items from the house that they wanted and my mother gave them EVERYTHING they asked for. I know this because I was there and helped move a desk out to the porch for them to come and get. (Open mouth – insert foot.) My mother can’t “pilfer” anything from her own house you bozo! She hasn’t gotten rid of anything except what they have asked for.

And let’s address the XXXX issue shall we? XXXX told XXXX (I guess when XXXX was questioning why XXXX was there) that he WANTED XXX there. When XXXX was sick and my mother had knee surgery, XXXX is the one that took care of them both. Where were his children? Why didn’t they step up to the plate and help if they wanted to so bad? XXXX was asked once to help years ago and she said she couldn’t because she wasn’t comfortable doing so. If XXXX hated her so much as you say, why did he want her there to help out on several occasions while he or my mother was sick?

My mother is grieving. She just lost her HUSBAND! And you attack? I bet you are one of those people who goes to picket funerals of fallen soldiers aren’t you? That’s what kind of person you are! You would attack a grieving widow who has just lost her husband, partner, confidant, friend of 29 years? My mother moved my sister in because she doesn’t want to be alone. She is grieving – numb nuts! How can you not wrap your small brain around that? You aren’t using any common sense here! Do you realize that?! You are being cruel to a grieving widow. What kind of person are you?

Are all the XXXX children so self absorbed and arrogant to believe that everything my mother does and says is about them? News flash – my mom doesn’t think about those kids much. She is thinking about her OWN hurt right now. Why they are so obsessed with her is beyond me. Maybe they should be grieving the death of their father and never mind what my mother is doing. Busy body gossips even while they are grieving? Yeah, they are upstanding people all right!

You are right about one thing: XXXX would HATE that people are acting this way and being nasty. Were you there the days before he died? Did you see the way those kids treated my mother? Did you see XXXX screaming, swearing, and trying to intimidate everyone? They say that the hearing is the last thing to go before someone dies. I hope and pray that XXXX didn’t hear his daughter acting that way. I know that if she had acted that way and he had been well, he would have kicked her out of the house.

And what business is this to you anyway? Really, what business do you have here? Everyone functions based on their own perceptions. So if you had any intelligence at all you would KNOW that the things the XXXX children are saying are coming from THEIR perspectives; their tainted perspectives because they don’t like my mother and never have. They didn’t like that their dad married my mom. They didn’t like that he changed his life. They didn’t like that they got jipped out of the father they knew they could have had. They are angry because my mother got the better man as a husband than they did as a father. And that, in my opinion, is where all this hatred comes from. They can’t be mad at their dad for their childhoods, so they choose to be mad at my mother. That’s what this is and they need therapy to sort that out.

One more thing – were you even at the funeral? Because my mother’s children, sister, brothers, nieces and nephews, grandchildren, neighbors, friends, and church family were ALL there. Sounds like you don’t know much about anything so your motivation for writing your “anonymous” letter escapes me. What did you think you would get out of writing such a letter? And we know why you needed to write it anonymously don’t we! The real reasons: 1. you are a chicken; 2. you know this is considered hate mail and could have legal consequences. THAT’S why you had to be “anonymous”. Just because you are stupid, don’t assume others are.

YOU are being so disrespectful to XXXX XXXX! Shame, shame, shame on you!


Kelly Beers

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