Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Based on true events

I think I have a great movie script idea here. And the beginning credits could scroll with a big, bold “BASED ON TRUE EVENTS”. Problem is no one would believe it. They would think it was a phony “based on true events” like the movie Fargo. It’s just too far fetched.

But it really would be based on a true story and I’d have to go Dr. Phil, Ellen, The Talk, and The View to make people believe it was really true. I even know who I would want for the actors. The same people who played in Daddy’s Dyin’, Whose Got The Will.  Except the woman who played Mamma Wheelis can play “the mother” of this story. And I’d need one more woman actor to play an extra daughter/sister. I’d have to think about that one.

The next freaky thing in this true story that I just found out is that these girls have written anonymous letters to neighbors and people from my mother’s church. I don’t understand what the intention was but what they ended up accomplishing is letting the community know how trashy they are. They think this is reflecting badly on my mother and don’t see that it is reflecting badly on THEM. Everyone in this town and people they’ve sent letters to are going to think they are loosing their marbles – or already lost them. Don’t they see how obsessive their behavior looks to other people?

One of them even went to talk to my sister’s ex-landlord to tell some “dirt”. Holy cow! Who does this kind of stuff? The desperation these people are showing is scary. Should I make the movie a horror, drama, or comedy? Not sure about that yet either. I’ll have to think about this and get writing to see which way it leans.

I'll keep everyone updated.

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