Monday, October 22, 2012

To the athiests:

This has happened to me twice in the last few days so let me say something about it.  For anyone who wants to make a negative comment anytime I reference the Bible, God, or Jesus, I have these points for you to ponder:

1st – I consider myself to be spiritual, not religious.

2nd – If you post something on your facebook that is anti-religion, anti-God, or anti-Jesus, I don’t feel an uncontrollable need to make a negative comment to YOU.  Live and let live, that’s what I say.

3rd – Why are you so offended?  Are you not strong enough in your own convictions to not let what others say bother you?  I am.  That’s why I don’t bother making comments when others post things I don’t agree with.  They are entitled to their OPINION, just as I am entitled to mine.

4th – If I had said “Buddha said” or Confucius said” you probably wouldn’t have felt the need to make a comment.  Ask yourself why the name “Jesus” bothers you.  If you don’t think he was anything but a prophet, then anything he said would just be good advice or rules to live by wouldn’t it be?  What is there to be offended by?

5th – I am not directing anything spiritual to anyone in particular.  For the people that believe as I do, they appreciate it.  For those who don’t, they should just disregard.  I am not going to ever sensor my thoughts or my beliefs because a couple of people are offended.  And I wouldn’t ask you to do so either.

6th – If you don’t like what I write on facebook or my blog, please feel free to unfriend me and keep your nasty comments to yourself.

7th – Have enough courtesy, if you want to comment on someone’s post, to comment on the subject of the original post.  The point that was trying to be made wasn’t even about God or religion so how does it go there in your mind?  Why do you always feel you have to defend YOUR beliefs?  I’m not pushing mine on anyone, so don’t try to push yours on me.  I understand what you believe and you are entitled to it.

I can say I’ve never met a group of people that are more pushy about their beliefs than atheists.  Don’t you know you aren’t going to change anyone else’s mind by turning everything into an argument?  It just makes you look like some kind of fanatic.

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